Safety Matters! That’s why SportsEdge has developed the Defender™ Series Shock & Drainage Pads. Defender is unlike any other shock pad on the market, defined by the enormous performance that’s packed into these small packages.
Installation is fast and easy! Just roll it out in parallel lines across the field and you’re ready. No sealing, taping or pinning required. Defender installation saves time and money because it stays put.
Defender is also unique because of its open-cell structure. That gives it the ability to hold approximately one quart of water per square foot. While having a negligible effect on sports performance, it offers the possibility for evaporative cooling of the turf in hot weather conditions.
With a decade of success throughout Europe in the rear-view mirror, SportsEdge is proud to bring Defender to the North American market. Defender….The Next Generation Shock & Drainage Pad.